** Please check out my tribute page to two of my Civil War relatives who never made it home **

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

October 07, 2015

** This blog published Mondays and Wednesdays **

In all honesty, how many of us have truly taken the time to notice and appreciate the details and craftsmanship of the Irish Brigade memorial? We may take note of it from afar, but to really enjoy the details, you have to get up close and personal. For instance, look at the abundance of Celtic knots. Those can’t have been easy to create, and yet some determined soul kept up until they were just right. Did the sculptor(s) stand back at the end and say “wow, that’s really something, it turned out great!” or shake their heads and find something to dislike or say it’s not really how they envisioned it? Either way, it’s a beautiful monument, and one easily appreciated.


4TH Texas Infantry

1831 --- Died July 21/22, 1863 at age 32

Lt. Col. Carter had a busy public career before enlistment, serving as the mayor of Austin in the late 1850s. A widower, he lost his wife Louisa and two children, with only daughter Ella (born 1858) surviving. He was struck by shell fragments on the 2ND of July and was later transferred to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, where he died of his wounds. He had requested only a Christian burial, yet it took some time until a Methodist parishioner arranged for his interment. It is believed that he is now buried at Cedar Grove Cemetery in Chambersburg. A photo can be found here.

(c) 2012-2015 Skies of Blue and Gray

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